Dinar & Dirham Coins

During my Gold Seminar, I always asked the participants whether they had seen the Dinar and Dirham Coins before.  Most of them heard about the Islamic Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham but not sure about the coins and history.

Here is a brief history of Dinar and Dirham:

In the time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the currency of the Arabs was the Dinar and Dirham and this currency lasted in its original precious metal form until the fall of the Ottoman Empire after World War I (1910s),

Many Arab countries like the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Morocco, Qatar, Libya, and Iraq still use the names to refer to their non-precious metal currencies.

The word ‘dirham’ is derived from the name of a Greek coin, the Drachma, which was used by the Greek-speaking Byzantine Empire that controlled the Levant and traded with Arabia.

The Islamic Dinar Coins has a specific weight of 4.25 grams for 1 Dinar. Dinar Coins can be used to :

  • Pay Zakat (Tithe),
  • Dowry or Mahar and 
  • Muamalat as it is a legitimate medium of exchange.
Dinar in Singapore

Picture : 1/2 Dinar, 1 Dinar, 5 Dinar & 10 Dinar LBMA 24K 999.9



Picture : 10 Dirham LBMA 24K 999.9

Dinar and Dirham are True Money.

The first dinars and dirhams minted by Muslims were during the Khalifate of Uthman bin Affaan, wherein the coins differed from the original ones in circulation by the Arabic inscription of “in the Name of Allah” on the obverse margins.

Public Gold Singapore can be considered the first to introduce Gold Dinar and Silver Dinar in the Singapore market.  Our Dinar is LBMA Accredited 999.9K with 1/2 Dinar, 1 Dinar, 5 Dinar and 10 Dinar.

Now, everyone can start using Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham for Islamic purposes and other activities.

Sheikh Imran N. Hosein in his book "The Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham" Islam and the Future of Money the first stage of the process of recovery of the lost Sunnah is to launch a mass program of public education concerning 'money' in the Quran and Sunnah.

If you're interested in purchasing Gold Dinar and Silver Durham in Singapore, please contact me mentioned below or order online CLICK HERE

Star Master Dealer Public Gold
Bio:  https://bit.ly/MohdSuliman327

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