GAP Gold Price 

Au 999.9 24K

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One Gold Dinar is not only a platform to educate you on why it pays to start investing in Gold and Silver bullions, Dinar and Dirham Coins for your long-term investment but also to form a Community of Gold Lovers to change ideas and wealth diversification. 

It's not too late whether you are young or old or those with family responsibilities or who are getting closer to retirement. One of the primary reasons why you should be holding gold and silver is to protect your wealth, hedge against inflation, and more importantly to have financial independence have enough money to live off for the rest of your life.

As suggested by the expert start saving as early as possible. In fact, I know someone who already holds 3 kg of Gold Bullion at the age of 27 years old. "I start buying gold bullion since my study at Polytechnic," He told me.

Public Gold - Global Business Centre

Address: Plot 21, Technoplex, Medan Bayan Lepas, Taman Perindustrian Bayan Lepas Phase IV, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.  The Grand Opening of Public Gold  Corporate Office - Now called PGGBC launched by Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong Tuanku Hajah Haminah on 15th March 2012.

Public Gold Global Business Centre
Picture: Public Gold Global Business Center in Penang, Malaysia

One Gold Dinar is the Authorized dealer for Public Gold Malaysia. With more than 20 Branches all over Malaysia, you can always visit the office near your place to purchase Gold and Silver Bullion and Dinar and Dirham Coins.


Picture: Public Gold Branch Office in Malaysia and Indonesia

Public Gold Malaysia conducts Gold Seminar every month in the whole of Malaysia. We would encourage you to get more knowledge first before investing in Gold. Do join our seminar. To know the seminar schedule CLICK HERE

Yes.. If you're ready to start investing and saving in Gold and Silver you can always Sign Up for an Account. You have no additional fee to become a https://OneGoldDinar.netPublic Gold Dealer and Customer. Just Click the Button below to Register.

If you need my guidance and assistance on gold investment, Tips, news, etc. Contact the undersigned Today! or you may Join our Telegram Learn Investing Click One Gold Dinar. 

Star Master Dealer Public Gold





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